Direction determines destination.
nav·i·ga·tion navəˈɡāSH(ə)n- the process or activity of accurately ascertaining one's position and planning and following a route.
Some people coach, I navigate. I listen to what they want, where they want to go, and we we create a roadmap together to get them there. Then I steer them, best I can, to stay the course—navigation. When they veer off-course (and they will), we assess and adjust the direction together or maybe chart a new course. Navigation is the journey of listening, awareness, adjustment, practice and patience.
Over the past 10 years I’ve worked with individuals and their families, teams in companies and organizations, applying my thought-leadership, keynotes, courses, workshops and books as it pertains to mental and physical wellbeing. During that time, I’ve researched navigation modalities, sharing tools to support peoples’ wellbeing journeys. A major game-changer for myself and clients alike is a medically-based body composition analyzer.
Having lead over 5,000 one-on-one body composition consults, I’ve witnessed, first hand, that powerful ‘aha’ moment, when people discover the difference between what their body is made of versus the number on the scale. I’ve also seen how an organization’s adoption of a body composition program creates an expanding culture for their associates’ wellbeing. Vaynermedia’s is just such an example of robust adoption, leadership and continued expansion of the body composition-based wellbeing program that’s become a strong model followed by others.
“Jay, thanks for being such a tenacious wellbeing navigator at Vaynermedia so everyone can get a quantified view of their body composition with your monthly consults.”
Gary Vaynerchuk, Chairman & CEO VaynerX
“Jay has been a great friend and mentor of mine as I train to push my running ability to new heights, even while recovering from injuries. I would recommend him to anyone who wants a deeper understanding of their physical progress as they track toward their goals. He is world class.”
Danny Chamberlain, Lead Creator at Vaynermedia
“We all appreciate you and your commitment to our well “being” Jay. Thank you for your spirit and being a great guide for all of us at Vaynermedia.”
Claude Silver, Chief Heart Officer